Friday, November 7, 2008

Final UT3 map, packages & Demo File

At the URL above the Final Demo File can be found.

At the URL above the Final UT3 map and packages can be found.

3 Final Demo Screenshots

The three images above show the combination of Kismet, Paticles and Matinee within the Final Demo File. I felt that Jeff's suggestion of using different coloured lighting for each player within the level to help suggest the path they should take, made navigation really appropriate. As the building chosen to use for this experiment wasone of Jeff's models he could navigate through the building really efficiently. However, there were times when Chivonda and I got lost when we were testing for demos. And the use of these coloured lights were really helpful. I feel that the buildings purposeis really appropriate as it is still veyr challenging to make it too the top but in a fun and enjoyable way.

Group Statement on Responsibilties

I mostly focused on kismet though a lot of this crossed over with matinee. The main aspects that I brought into the map were adding trigger volume and sound for the interpactors; the moving elements such as the railings and the pipes for stepping stones. The sequence for the coloured lighting was similar to the counting lights that I had tested in my own map, getting the lights to count down on/off. The industrial lights going up the lifts used this sequence. The spot light and cone used to make the mist was added by me and the teleporters.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Draft UT3 editor Map and Packages URL Link

The map and packages used to create the draft demo can be found at the above URL.

3 Screenshots of Draft Kismet Demo

The three screen shots above show the lighting in the model that I used Kismet to make them flash off an on. Jeff showed me some of the 'visual scripting' to get these to turn on/off as I knew how to tunr them off using a timer and trigger but we wanted this to happen without a trigger and to happen automatically and constantly flash.

Link to Draft Demos

To find the folder with the demo files got to URL:

The URL above on file front contains all the 'cooked' files (found in the UTGame folder) for the Draft Demo showing particles, kismet and Matinee.

My Draft Kismet Demo is called: Player-2008_11_07-11_51_53.demo

The demos are obviously found in the demo folder.

Jeff's Particle Demo is called : Player-2008_11_07-11_39_54.demo

Chivonda's Matinee Demo is called: Player-2008_11_07-11_57_50.demo

3 x screenshot of my Kismet Experimentation

The three images above are screenshots of Kismet in the map. The first images show the falshing green lights and the second shows the Kismet 'scripting sequence' to get the lights flashing. I have done some scripting to turn lights off/on using a timer, as seen in in my videos below however we wanted lights that constantly flashed off/on as oppose to counting down off and on. The third images shows the industrial lights flashing off/on over the 'lifts' to give the gamer an idea that the platform 'may' move.

Final Video Experimenting with Kismet

This short Video Shows the Kismet within a test map. Our group agreed to use lighting as the main kismet tool (along with some matinee for moving lifts) to direct and help the user navigate through the building (lights for Direction & clarity). In the final map each player has a different colour light showing several paths that they viewer may take to get to the top(lighting for individual game play). Not all the paths lead somewhere though some maybe be traps....

Draft Video Experimenting with Kismet

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Group Work

For experiment Two I will be part of the oNE group. The other two group members are Chivonda Lam and Jeff Aguas.

Chivonda will be doing Matinee, Jeff particles while I will be doing Kismet.
We are using the 'snakes & ladders' game as our theme and i will be using kismet to control the user walking through the shape by using lighting to block and permit access into certain areas.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Week 9 Homework: My Completed versions of the 3dBuzz Rooms

My First Room.

My Second Room

Week 9 Homework: 3 models imported into max

Model Three- 52% cut away.

For each of the models I started at the top of the model and worked my wy down subtracting mass by using planes at an appropriate height. This became increasingly difficult and more complex as I tried to cut exactly 52% away and as I did it became more and more difficult to see where I had been in 'wireframe.'
I supppose one of my problems was that I was conscious of where the voids were to go in the model because I wanted the 'gamer' to be able to walk through the whole building. So in having this mentality I feel that I may have limited my creativity as I felt this was the aim of the exercise that the building still appear to once have been a structure.
For this model I used mostly loft-extrusions as my knowledge of solidworks expanded and I began creating some appealing surfaces with this tool to reinforce my concept of directional forces punching holes through the building both vertically and horziontally.

I get an result close to accurate for the last few small percentages I was to subtract, I found out the volume I needed to take away, then found the cubic root of this then subtracted a cube with this volume from the model.

Model Two- 27% cut away.

Model Two was the model I subtracted 27% from. I began to enjoy this as I had the freedom to exporess myself and my concept being 'Forces of Direction' eg. the ridges resulted from an explosions of vertical and horizontal forces. I tried to cut the building in a way so that it represented the explosion starting at the base of the building and pushing its way out through the tunnel at the top. For this model I mostly used cut-extrusions to create the voids throughout the building

Model One
Being the first model this was the base line for the next two models of which I began to deduct a futher 27% and 52% from this model. Being a solid model it was quite difficult to subtract 'mass' from this model as it was hard to see where you had to go next.
Having to work backwards; that is working from a building that is already built and subtractin. This was different for me, as in architecture mostly this is the opposite, and we are told to 'create or 'build'. At first I had to get my head around this, particuarly 'exploding' models, as I found out that I was quite 'conscious and in control' of my explosion which I personally felt this influenced my result.
Overall, I enjoyed the experience and the repetition of the exercise really got my familiar with solidworks very quickly!!

Week 9 Homework: 3 solidworks models in ut3

These are my 3 solidworks models exported from solidworks and 3ds max in ut3. The texture is my own image that I enhanced in photo shop.
Problems: I had some difficulty importing the model into max. The some of the faces would disappear and they tured black at different angles. I new it would be a 'normal' issue and I remembered Jeff telling me he had problems with his model when he first imported it into max, although I did not know exactly what to look for at the time. He suggested to tick of 'unify normals' when exporitng from max into ut3. Then this worked. Prior to this I began 'flipping' faces in 3ds max, and this also resolved the issue but Jeff''s way was much quicker!!

Week 9 Tutorial progress: My First room

This is my progress so far on my first room completed in the week 9 tutorial.

Week 9 Tutorial progress: My second room

This is the second room, I left this room till last as I spent more time finishing the first room. I forgot to put this up last week!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Definition of the word 'Game'

I would describe the word 'Game' as somehting that is gives amusement and is entertaining. In my oppionion it does involve a certain level of conflict as not only is conflict a term for indifference but also soemhting that resists you from getting where you are required to go or need ot be. I feel 'game' suggests there are groups of people playing againast each other to form communiites or social sectares and in this wasy gaming is something to be enjoyed but also socially brings people together.

Monday, September 22, 2008

EXP 2: Model Three 10 sec Movie (ROTATE)

EXP 2: Model Two 10 Sec Movie (PAN)

Problems: I had some problems, with my videos when I compressed them they came up quite blurry, I tried compressing them with several options but they all came with fuzzy lines through them, in the end the best option was for me to render is as uncompressed from Vegas and try compressing in Movie Maker though this gave me limited options!!

The red Caption is meant to say 'Cut Direction' to get you thinking about the explosion and the result it had on the surface of the building, its impact is evident through the 'cuts' and 'grooves' on the structure.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

EXP 2: Model One 10 sec movie (ZOOM)

Link to my files on FileFront;11858994;/fileinfo.html

(My three solidworks files can be found at the above link)

EXP 2: Model Three Completion

This is my third model of which I was required to cut 52% away from my original value of 90048.53 cubic metres.
So the volume I had to aim to have left was : 43,223.294 (90048.53- 46,825.2356 cubic metres)

MY AIM: 43,223.294 cubic Metres
MY ACHIEVEMENT: 43,223.80 Cubic Metres

I was very happy with my result as I fel I was very close, I achieved to get as close as the whole number but I could not get the decimal places exact as each time I cut away I must have cut into a void that I was not aware of and so this began to make it harder to subtract the decimal places as they got smaller and smaller. In conclusion, I felt that my results were quite accurate and as I expected!

EXP 2: Model Two Completion

This is my Second model where I was to subtracted 27% from the original 90048.53 cubic Metres in the first model.

MY AIM: 65, 735.4269
MY ACHIEVEMENT: 65, 735.42

I was happy again with my result for this model. Even though I was a couple of decimals off I consider this accurate as solidworks only displayed two decimal places and so this was the closest I could get.

EXP 2: Completion of Model One

This is my original model (Model One) after cutting all of the lift shafts and services away I was left with 90048.53 cubic metres to base both my second and third model experiments on!
MY TOTAL VOLUME FOR MODEL ONE: 90048.53 Cubic Metres

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Model Three Completion

This my third model where I have cut 52% away from the original model. It also represents the 'push' and 'pull' sequence of an explosion that I wanted to get across.

Model Two Completion

This is a print screen of my model two, Finally finished, cut in half so you can see the passages and the effects of the explosion. My theme was that an explosion has to ability through the force it lets off, to first 'push' and then 'pull' of lift so that the explosion comes to an end at the top of an object, so this is naturally here the damage occurs. My first percentage was to cut 27% from the model, so this is what I have done here.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Progress: Model One Imported into 3ds Max

This is my first model imported into 3ds max. I followed the path Russell suggested, saving the model as a .STL from solidworks and under the options tab selecting 'coarse' making sure the export is in meters. When I imported this model into 3ds a dialog box came up asking if I wanted to 'unify normals' I deselected this, as Jeff Aguas suggested that this may stop the faces of the model becoming fragemented, and it worked fine.

Progress: Model One Completion

This is a print screen of my completed model one. (As in the one without any of the percentages taken out) I have finally completed it after my previous mistake. So today I will start on the subtraction of my first percentage 27% from this model. My second percentage is 52.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

TUT Week 7: Rotating Animation of George Street Model

'My Mistake': Now Im currently Recreating the Cactus Model

I am currently still recreating the cactus model as I accidently, miss understood the requirement to make this I thought we were to reproduce the cactua model by 'cutting' away from the solid mass using cut extrudes. So this is what my building looked like:

The day before this was to be completed for the calss I had realised that I had done it wrong and so I am still remodelling it, so that it is correct! Sorry Russell and Steve as my Gradution project has taken alot of my time at the moment.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Found Machinima: Danny Nguyen

Danny’s Machinima video was successful in my opinion because he stepped the viewer through the process of the explosion. Danny cleared displayed the results of the explosion and that was that one explosion on an object can directly affect the objects around it and therefore the area or radius of those objects begin to change through the explosion. I liked that Danny used different viewpoints to show the explosion and a bird’s eye view to show the result.

Found Machinima: David Butterworth

David's Found Machinima was successful because I felt it directly related to his custom machinima and the concept was clear that he wanted to show the effects of porosity of an explosion on a building. David displayed reflected the effects of that explosion in his custom machinima.

Custom Machinima: David Butterworth

David Butterworth's custom Machinima was really successful because I felt that he really emphasised the idea of porosity. David’s concept was simple and gave me a better understanding of what porosity was as previously I really was not sure what the term meant and how to represent it through an explosion.

Custom Machinima: Jeffrey Aguas

Jeffrey's custom Machinima was successful I felt because of his concept to show in oppinion how spaces can restrict and explosion not onyl can explosion because 'porosity' can casue the object to destruct but also it can have the opposite effect by restricting the result of the explosion. I also felt the music was really effective for what he was trying to express. The captions were also useful to describe what he was trying to achieve throughout his film. I particularly liked his idea of 'restriction' because typically you would imagine that a explosion within a space would not have this efetc and instead their would be a loss of restriction because of the force of the explosion.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My model of the George Street Building

For the Cactus model, It will mostly be 'subtracting' objects from the building mass. To do the I will use the 'extrusion cut' feature. The shapes to be 'cut' from the building tend be predominently cubic. It appears that there are many extrustion elements in the model where and extrusion will occur from a surface that has been previously cut. I want to add my own style to it if this is acceptable, and try to create some organic features, so it maybe be different to the original and because of this it will maybe less accurate. The organic surfaces will be difficult because it seems that solidworks tends to work best with cubic shapes.

Tutorial 1: "Lesson 1 - Parts"

In making the tutorial and George Street building models. One thing that stood out to me was the order of Solid works: first select a face or plane, then select the feature and then the drawing tool such as the rectangle tool to draw a box on the chosen surface.

Tutorial 2: "Lofts"

The use of planes, was very different to other softwares. This feature is very practical and logical and why I think it is easier software to pick up. In that it is logical to select the ‘top plane’ we you want to start drawing from the ground up.

Tutorial 3: "Revolves and Sweeps"

Navigating through the interface was frustrating at first, but interesting in that it tends to hide toolbars when they are not in use. I learnt to set up the toolbar by clicking on the toolbar tab before each tutorial which meant I could understand better what was happening.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Student Feedback Form

Student Feedback Form


I think my Found Machinima also supports my hypothesis. It is visually more discrete than my Custom Machinima. In this video it shows a series of short film clip explosions, showing the Domino Effect as the sequence being first the; ignition of fire, then a force causing the objects to push, pull (lift) then the explosion ceases (the fall), leaving the objects in different positions to there original placement and total deconstruction.


I felt my result were reasonably accurate towards my hypothesis. The objects exploded on the 3d field first, ignited with fire, then the object was pushed and pulled (lifted) before explosion ceased, so at this point the objects would fall again before they were totslly deteriorated by the explosion. I felt that the sequence I chose the experiment ended up in the correct order that I intend and I am satisfied with my results.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Week 2 Tut work: Explosion Hypothesis

I predict that the explosion will have the ability to effetc the 3d grid and objects through motion. The theme I want to carry throughout my custom Machinima is 'motion' and the sequence or pattern an a typical explosion.

I predicted that with the use of dynamite and thrusters that the explosion will first ignite fire and the force form it will cause the object to push and pull and eventually 'lift'. Causing the 'fall of gravity' or the 'Loss of Gravity' because the objects are going against it. From this point the explosion will start to ease and all objects begin to fall back to ground and the grid will be completely out of place and disformed.

Week 3: 'Observatory Mode'

I suppose the type of mode I would be using for my video would mostly fit into the observatory mode. I feel this way, becasue there is no narration and no participation on the 'film makers' behalf. I am simply getting the viewer to observe what is happening in the sequence of explosions in the custom Machinima. The found Machinima also takes the observatory role, as the viewer is simply watching a series of fast film clips that tell a story, between two different views running parrallel to each other. The first beginning the fast apced car chase which creates several explosions with the contrast of the slow train explosions clips that the video occassionally crosses too.

I don't think either video could be considered as informative, rather they are to enterain to viewer show the effects of such explosions in a gaming environment.


This is my Draft Custom Machinima, we had to do for the independent Study for this week. I still have to put in captions and text over the next few days.


All of the video clips seen in this video montage are my own. The 'Oh No' voice over is from (AUG 2008)


This is my Draft Found Machinima, we had to do for the independent Study for this week. I still have to put in captions and text over the next few days.


All of the video and audio were taken from external sources.

The Tast Paced Car chase clip & soundtrack taken from (AUG 2008)

Exploding Train Footage and sound taken from (AUG 2008)

Coloured rendered Train Crash Clip and sound taken from: (AUG 2008)

Week 2 Tutorial: Composite Video

References: All the Video clips in this video montage are my own.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008